Monday, June 13, 2011

A similiar journey but different

When I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son I was thrilled. I never thought I would have anymore kids. Due to my different disabilities I had to have numerous ultrasounds and about halfway through my pregnancy they told us that he had dialation in his kidneys. They said it would more than likely disappear before he was born or at the very least by the time he was 1. He was born by scheduled c-section in 2008. I didn't fare very well with the anesthesia they gave me once he was out and ended up with an IV in my neck after I ripped the one in my arm out. The nurse told me afterwards that the anesthesia they gave me was known to make people agressive while they are unconcious. When he was a day old they took him for an ultrasound to seen if the dialation was gone, it wasn't. They said he would need another ultrasound in a month. A month later we were back for another ultrasound. After this one another ultrasound followed a month and a half later. Then I got the call everyone dreads. We had to take my little one to a kidney specialist at a children's hospital a couple hours away. We were nervous the whole way down there unsure of what was going on. Once we got there they had me trying to get him to drink this liquid, no luck. Then they called us back for them to put an IV in. The woman tried 3 times and couldn't get it so they took him to another room for someone else to try. Noone was having any luck so by the time the kidney specialist showed up she decided to try and she had me leave and go down to a nearby waiting room. I was so scared I willingly obeyed. After about 45 minutes to an hour the doctor came back out and decided she was going to admit him because they hadn't been able to get an IV in him. When we got up to pediatrics the nurses there were fuming. They had this little light they used to put IV's in and they couldn't hardly find a place he hadn't already been poked. They told me next time to demand that someone from pediatrics come and insert his IV.  When the doctor came in I asked her why we had been told to come here. She couldn't believe that the pediatrician hadn't told me. There was a mass in his kidney and they suspected cancer. My whole body went numb. During the middle of the night he was taken for a CAT scan and an ultrasound. When the doctor came in the next morning she was confused my his mass. She said it was a cyst but it was odd. She wanted us to come back in 6 weeks for another ultrasound. So we went home scared and praying for a diagnosis of anything but cancer. When we went back 6 weeks later my mother brought up about how my father has polycystic kidney disease. The doctor told us if it was polycystic kidney disease it was the strangest case of it she had ever saw. About 9 months down the road when my little one was a year old a new cyst formed in his other kidney. When the doctor came in she informed us it was Polycystic kidney disease. What a relief to be told that. We knew that could be lived with compared to cancer. He goes every 6 months now for ultrasounds and a checkup. His ultrasound last fall showed that the cyst in his right  kidney had disappeared. This last visit we found out the cyst in the left is growing again but so is his kidney. She said that if it continues to grow she will remove it surgically. My little one had normal development until he turned 18 months old. At 18 months old he stopped wanting to eat and he stopped talking. He also developed an allergy to dairy products. If he drank milk he would double over screaming. The kidney specialist had us switch him over to soy milk and he stopped screaming inpain. A few weeks later she had us switch him to lactose free milk, the screaming started all over again. So back to soy he went. He has had major problems with going from being constipated to having diarrhea. He has been seeing a G.I. specialist for over 6 months for it but still no answers as to what is causing this. At a doctor's visit for my older boy the doctor remarked that my little one didn't act like a normal 2 year old. He sent us for an early learning screening and sure enough he was delayed. I decided to switch pediatricians and found out that the doctor he had, had been falsifying his records. They got him in early intervention for speech and sensory issues. The therapists were not happy that they only had a little over 6 months to work with him. But, boy once the speech therapist reached him through sign language he took off like a rocket. He still doesn't talk much except for making his needs or wants known. He doesn't answer questions but they are gonna work on that with him this fall in preschool. The OT worked on getting him to eat. He did wonders with that and now eats almost anything. When he starts preschool in the fall he will be in the special class due to lack of social skills, same as his brother. Overall it looks as if my little one will probably end up with a diagnosis of Asperger's down the road as he is so much like his brother and yet so different. Both of my boys are extremely intelligent. My older one likes to hide it because as he says then the teachers expect more out of him, but my little one is eager to show just what all he knows. He knows almost all his colors, most of his alphabet, and can count up to 14. All this and he's only 3. A new journey awaits us with both of these boys. My eldest is becoming a preteen and getting all the stuff that comes with it (ex. acne and mood changed) and my little guy is about to enter the world of preschool and beyond. I pray it will be a smooth journey for both of them!

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