Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Time Changes Everything

Been a long time again. Halloween is tomorrow. We are back living at my dad's place.  Hunter is now in 7th grade and on the honor roll. Bryton is in kindergarten and is already doing first grade work and reading well. As much as they are similair they are so very different. Hunter's quiet and Bryton gets in trouble at school for talking and blurting out answers. Hunter's teachers report that he likes to contribute to classroom discussions. Bryton's teacher calls him a sponge. We went to Bryton's kidney specialist last week and his diagnosis has changed. He has Multicystic Kidney Dysplasia, which means his kidneys didn't fully develop and cysts took over the areas that didn't form. He will have ultrasounds once a year to make sure the cysts don't try to take over living tissue and the specialist will see him once a year to keep an eye on his kidney function and to make sure he doesn't develop high blood pressure. We will go out trick or treating tomorrow night. Hunter is going to be a vampire and Bryton will be a vampire hunter.

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